I don't know how Geoff finds the time to write these blogs. I'm busier than a one-toothed man at a corn on the cob eating contest. I do know after reading his blog that he obviously has an inferiority complex with my physical stature. It probably started when he first met Mark Wallis 6'4'' and myself 6'6'' at the Motochallenge. Many a time I get asked what the weather is like up there, I'm no meteorologist but I'm sure Mark has his own weather system. If Im 'Herman' he's 'Sherman.' Mark was kind enough to let us sample his culinary skills at his house one weekend. A marvellous chef indeed (unfortunately he obviously keeps those skills to himself too often). Keep the pies warm Mark, for when we collapse on your doorstep looking like illegal immigrants that just fell out of the back of a Parcel Marceau lorry.
Anyway I digress. Geoff informed me that as a way to relieve the guilt of selfishly travelling the world, he would be raising money for St. Teresa's, his local hospice in Darlington. An excellent idea. It was only fair I should do the same for my local hospice in Braintree. Farleigh Hospice is based next to Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and has two satellites, one in Braintree and Maldon. The Braintree one is closing at the end of March as their lease at the old St. Michael's hospital site is ending. As a result they are starting a scheme called the HOP-Hospice Outreach Project. The first mobile hospice in the country. For information please read this page- http://www.farleighhospice.org/supporting-farleigh-hospice/the-hop.cfm
The total amount we need to raise to purchase and equip this specially designed vehicle is £155,000, with a further £77,000 required for the specialist nursing and healthcare staff needed to operate the HOP and its services for a whole year.
Please sponsor me to help to make this possible!
Anyway I digress. Geoff informed me that as a way to relieve the guilt of selfishly travelling the world, he would be raising money for St. Teresa's, his local hospice in Darlington. An excellent idea. It was only fair I should do the same for my local hospice in Braintree. Farleigh Hospice is based next to Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and has two satellites, one in Braintree and Maldon. The Braintree one is closing at the end of March as their lease at the old St. Michael's hospital site is ending. As a result they are starting a scheme called the HOP-Hospice Outreach Project. The first mobile hospice in the country. For information please read this page- http://www.farleighhospice.org/supporting-farleigh-hospice/the-hop.cfm
The total amount we need to raise to purchase and equip this specially designed vehicle is £155,000, with a further £77,000 required for the specialist nursing and healthcare staff needed to operate the HOP and its services for a whole year.
Please sponsor me to help to make this possible!